Tortoise Behavior

How Wild Tortoises Hibernate According to Science -

How Wild Tortoises Hibernate (According to Science)

Hibernation is basically a long, deep sleep to help an animal survive harsh winter conditions. It’s not a traditional sleep where brain activity, digestion, and other bodily functions keep going. It’s a period of torpor, which is inactivity in both body and mind. The body keeps functioning in a hibernating animal but at incredibly slow rates. This reserves energy and sustains the animal until conditions outside the hibernation area are more suitable for life.

How Wild Tortoises Hibernate (According to Science) Read More »

"Is My Tortoise Dead or Hibernating?" Here's How to Tell -

“Is My Tortoise Dead or Hibernating?” Here’s How to Tell

When a tortoise goes into hibernation, they will slow their metabolism down to almost nothing. That makes it appear as if he isn’t alive. His breathing will slow, hie heart rate will drop, his temperature will plummet, and he’ll stop eating and drinking. It really does look like death, but don’t worry. This total inactivity is perfectly normal.

“Is My Tortoise Dead or Hibernating?” Here’s How to Tell Read More »

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